Bywater — can refer to:* Bywater, New Orleans, a neighborhood of New Orleans, Louisiana * Bywater BASIC, a programming language * Hector Charles Bywater, an English naval expert who, in the 1920s, wrote the books Sea Power in the Pacific and The Great… … Wikipedia
Bywater — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Hector Charles Bywater (1884–1940), britischer Militärschriftsteller und Journalist Ingram Bywater (1840–1914), britischer Klassischer Philologe Stephen Bywater (* 1981), britischer Footballspieler Diese… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bywater — This uncommon name is of Anglo Saxon origin, and is a topographical surname for someone who lived by the water , by a river or a lake. The name derives from the Old English pre 7th Century bi , Middle English by , by, beside, with Old English… … Surnames reference
ByWater Basic — est un interpréte du langage de programmation BASIC. Il supporte un large ensemble du standard ANSI pour le Minimal BASIC (BASIC minimal) et un large sous ensemble du standard ANSI pour le Full BASIC (BASIC complet). Bywater BASIC tourne sur les… … Wikipédia en Français
Bywater BASIC — is an interpreter for the BASIC programming language. It supports a large set of the ANSI Standard for Minimal BASIC and a large subset of the ANSI Standard for Full BASIC. Bywater BASIC runs on GNU and DOS based systems. Licence Bywater BASIC is … Wikipedia
Bywater BASIC — est un interprète du langage de programmation BASIC. Il supporte un large ensemble du standard ANSI pour le Minimal BASIC (BASIC minimal) et un large sous ensemble du standard ANSI pour le Full BASIC (BASIC complet). Bywater BASIC tourne sur les… … Wikipédia en Français
Bywater, New Orleans — Geobox Neighborhood name = Bywater native name = other name = other name1 = category = New Orleans Neighborhood image caption = Island of Salvation Botanica on Piety Street offers Voodoo supplies and artwork by local artist/priestess Sallie Ann… … Wikipedia
Bywater and Sotheby Professor of Byzantine and Modern Greek Language and Literature — Der Bywater and Sotheby Professor of Byzantine and Modern Greek Language and Literature ist der Vertreter einer Professur auf dem Gebiet der Byzantinistik und Neogräzistik an der Universität Oxford, die der byzantinischen und neugriechischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bywater Road — The road to Bywater and beyond. The road that left the main East Road a little to the west of the Three Farthing Stone, leading to the village of Bywater from which it took its name. From there, it carried on to Hobbiton, where a traveller… … J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary
Bywater BASIC — bwBASIC ist ein BASIC Interpreter für die Linux Konsole und für MS DOS. Er ist bei den meisten Linux Distributionen dabei. Er heißt Bywater Basic Interpreter und ist zu den alten MS DOS Basic Interpretern Gbasic und GWbasic kompatibel, so dass… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bywater — noun An uncommon topographical English surname of Anglo Saxon origin; derived from ancestors who lived by the water … Wiktionary